Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Vähemmän moderoitu alue. Hyvän maun rajoissa.
Viestit: 178
Liittynyt: 11.10.2010 13:32

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Sebastiann »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Tollane vaa :D
Osteri-Ossi Faniklubin jäsen #32
Viestit: 1194
Liittynyt: 27.5.2009 17:38

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Laitela »

23.02.2011 klo 19.30
Osa 2058
Kel onni on, sen Tale kätkeköön.
Osteri-Ossi Faniklubin jäsen #25

Viestit: 2700
Liittynyt: 29.10.2009 17:23

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Larry »

Laitela kirjoitti:23.02.2011 klo 19.30
Osa 2058
Kel onni on, sen Tale kätkeköön.
Ihan sellanen pikku piilovittuilu, että mutta nuo kuuluisivat periaatteessa spoilereihin :D
Viestit: 1194
Liittynyt: 27.5.2009 17:38

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Laitela »

Fooni kirjoitti:
Laitela kirjoitti:23.02.2011 klo 19.30
Osa 2058
Kel onni on, sen Tale kätkeköön.
Ihan sellanen pikku piilovittuilu, että mutta nuo kuuluisivat periaatteessa spoilereihin :D
Ajattelinkin sitä hetkisen että laitanko spoileriin vai jätänkö noin mutta kai se noinkin menee kun kumminkin salkkereitten sivuillakin jo lukee tosta talesta:D
Osteri-Ossi Faniklubin jäsen #25

Viestit: 1194
Liittynyt: 27.5.2009 17:38

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Laitela »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Shawshank redemption - avain pakoon
En tie kyllä mistä tuo tohon jäi.
Osteri-Ossi Faniklubin jäsen #25

Viestit: 2700
Liittynyt: 29.10.2009 17:23

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Larry »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Viestit: 92
Liittynyt: 20.4.2009 18:28

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja PottuTheGod »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Tõnis Mägi
Osteri-Ossi Faniklubin jäsen #27

Viestit: 2700
Liittynyt: 29.10.2009 17:23

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Larry »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Yhdynnässä miehen erektiossa olevaa siitintä liikutellaan edestakaisin naisen kostuneessa emättimessä, jolloin terskan hankautuminen emättimen seinämiin voimistaa seksuaalista kiihottumista, jonka päämääränä on useimmiten kiihottumisen huipentuma eli orgasmi, johon sukukypsällä miehellä liittyy siemensyöksy. 
Viestit: 1561
Liittynyt: 3.6.2012 21:46
Paikkakunta: Kehä III ulkopuolella

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja fakki »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Viestit: 1516
Liittynyt: 25.8.2011 19:08

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kaakkao »

Fooni kirjoitti:

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Yhdynnässä miehen erektiossa olevaa siitintä liikutellaan edestakaisin naisen kostuneessa emättimessä, jolloin terskan hankautuminen emättimen seinämiin voimistaa seksuaalista kiihottumista, jonka päämääränä on useimmiten kiihottumisen huipentuma eli orgasmi, johon sukukypsällä miehellä liittyy siemensyöksy. 
Mikä ihme sua vaivaa ???
<00:05> <Strawr> Kaakkao: Sinä olet netin ilkein ihminen jonka olen koskaan täältä bongannut, hoitoon joutuisit
<23:05> <Turska> Niin että kun joukossa on yksi tommonen töhö niin se kyllä nollaa fiksumpien käytöksen
Viestit: 1192
Liittynyt: 21.8.2009 22:00
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jeppe »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Tiesitkö että netissä on muutakin kuin PORNOA? - Radio Rock
Viestit: 2700
Liittynyt: 29.10.2009 17:23

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Larry »

Kaakkis kirjoitti:
Fooni kirjoitti:

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Yhdynnässä miehen erektiossa olevaa siitintä liikutellaan edestakaisin naisen kostuneessa emättimessä, jolloin terskan hankautuminen emättimen seinämiin voimistaa seksuaalista kiihottumista, jonka päämääränä on useimmiten kiihottumisen huipentuma eli orgasmi, johon sukukypsällä miehellä liittyy siemensyöksy. 
Mikä ihme sua vaivaa ???

Ei mua mikään
Fwusha medias
Viestit: 12
Liittynyt: 11.8.2012 14:20

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Fwusha medias »


Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Information about object: obj_character

Sprite: spr_right
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 2
Persistent: false
Parent: <no parent>
Mask: <same as sprite>

Create Event:
set variable global.hahmo to 1
set variable ammo to 0
set the health to 100
set variable superjump to 0
set variable arrows to 0
set variable canshoot to 0
set Alarm 2 to 1
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      set the sprite to spr_Sepporight with subimage 0 and speed 1
set variable oxygen to 100

Alarm Event for alarm 0:
set variable canshoot to 1

Alarm Event for alarm 1:
set the vertical speed to -25
set the health relative to -10
blend the sprite with color 255 and alpha value 1
set Alarm 3 to 10
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      stop sound snd_Ouch
      play sound snd_Ouch; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      stop sound snd_sepiouch
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Alarm Event for alarm 2:
if health is not equal to 100
      set the health relative to 1
set Alarm 2 to 10

Alarm Event for alarm 3:
blend the sprite with color 16777215 and alpha value 1

 Step Event:
COMMENT: Check whether in the air
if relative position (0,1) is collision free for Only solid objects
      set the gravity to 0.5 in direction 270
      set the gravity to 0 in direction 270
COMMENT: Limit the vertical speed
if vspeed is larger than 70
      set variable vspeed to 70
COMMENT: Check whether on a ladder
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_ladder
      set the gravity to 0 in direction 270
      set variable vspeed to 0
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_watertop
      set the gravity to 0.1 in direction 90
if at relative position (0,0) there is not object obj_watertop
      set variable oxygen to 100

Collision Event with object obj_block:
move in direction direction at most 12 till a contact with solid objects
set the vertical speed to 0

Collision Event with object obj_mushroom:
play sound snd_getmushroom; looping: false
set the score relative to 10
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_levelexit:
set the score relative to 100
play sound snd_finishlevel; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
if next room exists
      go to next room with transition effect <no effect>
      show the highscore table
    background: back_sky
     show the border
     new color: 255, other color: 0
     Font: Arial,12,0,1,0,0,0
      restart the game

Collision Event with object obj_death:
set the health relative to -10
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_ammunition:
set the score relative to 100
set variable ammo relative to 15
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_bonus:
set the score relative to 100
play sound snd_getmushroom; looping: false
set the number of lives relative to 1
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_kristo_bouncing:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_aaro:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_Kari:
if expression vspeed > 0 && y < other.y+8 is true
      set the vertical speed to -10
      play sound snd_kari; looping: false
      set the score relative to 100
      for other object: start moving in directions 000010000 with speed set to 0
      for other object: change the instance into object obj_monster_dead, yes performing events
      set the health relative to -10
      set the vertical speed to -5
      if global.hahmo is equal to 1
            play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
      if global.hahmo is equal to 2
            play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_superjump:
set the score relative to 100
set variable superjump to 1
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_euro:
set the score relative to 30
for other object: destroy the instance
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_30 euroo; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_kasniin; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_bow:
set the score relative to 100
set variable arrows relative to 5
set variable canshoot to 1
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_goldbar:
for other object: destroy the instance
set the score relative to 5000
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_viis tonnia; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_kasniin; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_lava:
set Alarm 1 to 5

Collision Event with object obj_springboard:
if expression vspeed > 0 && y < other.y+8 is true
      for other object: change the instance into object obj_springboardactivated, not performing events
      set the vertical speed to -50

Collision Event with object obj_Aaroboss:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_lasse:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_strawberry:
set the health relative to -1
set the vertical speed to -2
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_healthplus:
set the score relative to 100
set the health relative to 50
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_key:
set the score relative to 100

Collision Event with object obj_demoendseppo:
set the score relative to 100
play sound snd_finishlevel; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
execute code:


display message: Tässä versiossa ei ole vielä enempää tasoja, joten sinun pitää odottaa seuraavaa versiota :P
go to room room0 with transition effect <no effect>

Keyboard Event for <Left> Key:
COMMENT: Asks for Ismo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_leftgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_leftbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_left with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
COMMENT: Asks for Seppo
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Seppoleftgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Seppoleftbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_Seppoleft with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects

Keyboard Event for <Up> Key:
      if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_ladder
            if relative position (0,-3) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (0,-3)
      if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_watertop
            if relative position (0,-3) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (0,-2)
if superjump is equal to 1
      if relative position (0,1) gives a collision with Only solid objects
            create a small effect of type explosion relative at (0,0) of  color 32896 below objects
            set the vertical speed to -40
            play sound änggh; looping: false
            play sound snd_prrt; looping: false
      if relative position (0,1) gives a collision with Only solid objects
            set the vertical speed to -10
            play sound snd_uh; looping: false

Keyboard Event for <Right> Key:
COMMENT: Asks for Ismo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_rightgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_rightbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_right with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
COMMENT: Asks for Seppo
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Sepporightgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Sepporightbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_Sepporight with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects

Keyboard Event for <Down> Key:
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_ladder
      if relative position (0,3) is collision free for Only solid objects
            jump relative to position (0,3)
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_watertop
      if relative position (0,3) is collision free for Only solid objects
            jump relative to position (0,3)
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_door
      play sound snd_oviauki; looping: false
      sleep 1500 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: false
      jump to position (obj_doorexit.x,obj_doorexit.y)
      play sound Seppoalavonkaa; looping: true
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_bossdoor
      play sound snd_oviauki; looping: false
      sleep 1500 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: false
      go to next room with transition effect <no effect>

Other Event: Outside Room:
if y is larger than room_height
      sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
      restart the current room with transition effect <no effect>

Other Event: Game Start:
set variable global.hahmo to 2

Other Event: No More Health:
set the number of lives relative to -1
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      change the instance into object obj_deadIsmo, yes performing events
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      change the instance into object obj_deadseppo, yes performing events

Key Press Event for <Space> Key:
COMMENT: Asks for Ismo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_leftgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_rightgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 0
            set variable ammo relative to -1
      if arrows is larger than 0
            if canshoot is equal to 1
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_leftbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_rightbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 0
            set variable arrows relative to -1
            set variable canshoot to 0
            set Alarm 0 to 50
COMMENT: Asks for Seppo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Seppoleftgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Sepporightgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 0
            set variable ammo relative to -1
      if arrows is larger than 0
            if canshoot is equal to 1
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Seppoleftbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Sepporightbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 0
            set variable arrows relative to -1
            set variable canshoot to 0
            set Alarm 0 to 50

Key Press Event for B-key Key:
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_vinkkiseppo1
      play sound snd_seppoterve; looping: false
      execute code:

show_message("Paina nuoli alaspäin avataksesi oven.")}

if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_vinkkiseppo2
      play sound snd_seppoterve; looping: false
      execute code:

show_message("Kannattaa varoa, Lassejen mansikkasato on ollut tänä vuonna hyvä!")}

if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_buylive
      if score is larger than 999
            play sound snd_money; looping: false
            set the number of lives relative to 1
            set the score relative to -1000
Kaikkien janoisten sankari
Kaikkien janoisten sankari
Viestit: 2238
Liittynyt: 19.3.2009 17:26
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Rambo »

Fwusha medias kirjoitti:PITÄÄ OLLA REHELLINEN

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Information about object: obj_character

Sprite: spr_right
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 2
Persistent: false
Parent: <no parent>
Mask: <same as sprite>

Create Event:
set variable global.hahmo to 1
set variable ammo to 0
set the health to 100
set variable superjump to 0
set variable arrows to 0
set variable canshoot to 0
set Alarm 2 to 1
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      set the sprite to spr_Sepporight with subimage 0 and speed 1
set variable oxygen to 100

Alarm Event for alarm 0:
set variable canshoot to 1

Alarm Event for alarm 1:
set the vertical speed to -25
set the health relative to -10
blend the sprite with color 255 and alpha value 1
set Alarm 3 to 10
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      stop sound snd_Ouch
      play sound snd_Ouch; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      stop sound snd_sepiouch
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Alarm Event for alarm 2:
if health is not equal to 100
      set the health relative to 1
set Alarm 2 to 10

Alarm Event for alarm 3:
blend the sprite with color 16777215 and alpha value 1

 Step Event:
COMMENT: Check whether in the air
if relative position (0,1) is collision free for Only solid objects
      set the gravity to 0.5 in direction 270
      set the gravity to 0 in direction 270
COMMENT: Limit the vertical speed
if vspeed is larger than 70
      set variable vspeed to 70
COMMENT: Check whether on a ladder
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_ladder
      set the gravity to 0 in direction 270
      set variable vspeed to 0
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_watertop
      set the gravity to 0.1 in direction 90
if at relative position (0,0) there is not object obj_watertop
      set variable oxygen to 100

Collision Event with object obj_block:
move in direction direction at most 12 till a contact with solid objects
set the vertical speed to 0

Collision Event with object obj_mushroom:
play sound snd_getmushroom; looping: false
set the score relative to 10
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_levelexit:
set the score relative to 100
play sound snd_finishlevel; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
if next room exists
      go to next room with transition effect <no effect>
      show the highscore table
    background: back_sky
     show the border
     new color: 255, other color: 0
     Font: Arial,12,0,1,0,0,0
      restart the game

Collision Event with object obj_death:
set the health relative to -10
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_ammunition:
set the score relative to 100
set variable ammo relative to 15
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_bonus:
set the score relative to 100
play sound snd_getmushroom; looping: false
set the number of lives relative to 1
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_kristo_bouncing:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_aaro:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_Kari:
if expression vspeed > 0 && y < other.y+8 is true
      set the vertical speed to -10
      play sound snd_kari; looping: false
      set the score relative to 100
      for other object: start moving in directions 000010000 with speed set to 0
      for other object: change the instance into object obj_monster_dead, yes performing events
      set the health relative to -10
      set the vertical speed to -5
      if global.hahmo is equal to 1
            play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
      if global.hahmo is equal to 2
            play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_superjump:
set the score relative to 100
set variable superjump to 1
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_euro:
set the score relative to 30
for other object: destroy the instance
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_30 euroo; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_kasniin; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_bow:
set the score relative to 100
set variable arrows relative to 5
set variable canshoot to 1
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_goldbar:
for other object: destroy the instance
set the score relative to 5000
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_viis tonnia; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_kasniin; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_lava:
set Alarm 1 to 5

Collision Event with object obj_springboard:
if expression vspeed > 0 && y < other.y+8 is true
      for other object: change the instance into object obj_springboardactivated, not performing events
      set the vertical speed to -50

Collision Event with object obj_Aaroboss:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_lasse:
set the health relative to -10
set the vertical speed to -5
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_strawberry:
set the health relative to -1
set the vertical speed to -2
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      play sound snd_killcharacter; looping: false
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      play sound snd_sepiouch; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_healthplus:
set the score relative to 100
set the health relative to 50
for other object: destroy the instance

Collision Event with object obj_key:
set the score relative to 100

Collision Event with object obj_demoendseppo:
set the score relative to 100
play sound snd_finishlevel; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
execute code:


display message: Tässä versiossa ei ole vielä enempää tasoja, joten sinun pitää odottaa seuraavaa versiota :P
go to room room0 with transition effect <no effect>

Keyboard Event for <Left> Key:
COMMENT: Asks for Ismo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_leftgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_leftbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_left with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
COMMENT: Asks for Seppo
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Seppoleftgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Seppoleftbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_Seppoleft with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (-4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,0)
                  if relative position (-4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (-4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects

Keyboard Event for <Up> Key:
      if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_ladder
            if relative position (0,-3) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (0,-3)
      if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_watertop
            if relative position (0,-3) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (0,-2)
if superjump is equal to 1
      if relative position (0,1) gives a collision with Only solid objects
            create a small effect of type explosion relative at (0,0) of  color 32896 below objects
            set the vertical speed to -40
            play sound änggh; looping: false
            play sound snd_prrt; looping: false
      if relative position (0,1) gives a collision with Only solid objects
            set the vertical speed to -10
            play sound snd_uh; looping: false

Keyboard Event for <Right> Key:
COMMENT: Asks for Ismo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_rightgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_rightbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_right with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
COMMENT: Asks for Seppo
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      if ammo is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Sepporightgun with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is larger than 0
            set the sprite to spr_Sepporightbow with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects
      if arrows is equal to 0
            if ammo is equal to 0
            set the sprite to spr_Sepporight with subimage 0 and speed 1
            if relative position (4,0) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,0)
                  if relative position (4,-8) is collision free for Only solid objects
                  jump relative to position (4,-8)
                  move in direction 270 at most 8 till a contact with solid objects

Keyboard Event for <Down> Key:
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_ladder
      if relative position (0,3) is collision free for Only solid objects
            jump relative to position (0,3)
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_watertop
      if relative position (0,3) is collision free for Only solid objects
            jump relative to position (0,3)
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_door
      play sound snd_oviauki; looping: false
      sleep 1500 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: false
      jump to position (obj_doorexit.x,obj_doorexit.y)
      play sound Seppoalavonkaa; looping: true
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_bossdoor
      play sound snd_oviauki; looping: false
      sleep 1500 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: false
      go to next room with transition effect <no effect>

Other Event: Outside Room:
if y is larger than room_height
      sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
      restart the current room with transition effect <no effect>

Other Event: Game Start:
set variable global.hahmo to 2

Other Event: No More Health:
set the number of lives relative to -1
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      change the instance into object obj_deadIsmo, yes performing events
if global.hahmo is equal to 2
      change the instance into object obj_deadseppo, yes performing events

Key Press Event for <Space> Key:
COMMENT: Asks for Ismo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_leftgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_rightgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 0
            set variable ammo relative to -1
      if arrows is larger than 0
            if canshoot is equal to 1
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_leftbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_rightbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 0
            set variable arrows relative to -1
            set variable canshoot to 0
            set Alarm 0 to 50
COMMENT: Asks for Seppo
if global.hahmo is equal to 1
      if ammo is larger than 0
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Seppoleftgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Sepporightgun
                  create instance of object obj_bullet at relative position (0,0) with speed 12 in direction 0
            set variable ammo relative to -1
      if arrows is larger than 0
            if canshoot is equal to 1
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Seppoleftbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 180
            if sprite_index is equal to spr_Sepporightbow
                  create instance of object obj_arrow at relative position (0,0) with speed 8 in direction 0
            set variable arrows relative to -1
            set variable canshoot to 0
            set Alarm 0 to 50

Key Press Event for B-key Key:
if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_vinkkiseppo1
      play sound snd_seppoterve; looping: false
      execute code:

show_message("Paina nuoli alaspäin avataksesi oven.")}

if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_vinkkiseppo2
      play sound snd_seppoterve; looping: false
      execute code:

show_message("Kannattaa varoa, Lassejen mansikkasato on ollut tänä vuonna hyvä!")}

if at relative position (0,0) there is object obj_buylive
      if score is larger than 999
            play sound snd_money; looping: false
            set the number of lives relative to 1
            set the score relative to -1000
Sieltä on Salkkaripeliä tulossa? :carl:
Kuukauden Rambo-Ossi (8/2011)
Viestit: 3474
Liittynyt: 21.8.2009 19:05

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Turska »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

Viimeisin käynti:
    15.9.2013 19:45
We are sistas, we stand together ♥
Turksa, JAPP, Burnis

Ulmate Love: Ropin Huud ♥
Viestit: 999
Liittynyt: 24.7.2009 19:36

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Ekku »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJcoRUqODJA , linkitin hittihutiin ko. biisin.
Tänne vaan, muiden pervojen sekaan juhlimaan.
Viestit: 3474
Liittynyt: 21.8.2009 19:05

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Turska »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

We are sistas, we stand together ♥
Turksa, JAPP, Burnis

Ulmate Love: Ropin Huud ♥
Viestit: 929
Liittynyt: 9.1.2010 10:26

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja CutCognac »

http://www.mtv.fi/uutiset/ulkomaat/arti ... ta/4965976

Jaoin linkin kaverille facebookissa
Minulla ei ole jaksoja.
Viestit: 3474
Liittynyt: 21.8.2009 19:05

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Turska »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

<17:54> <Burnis> Olavi "Kesähitti" Uusivirta :)
We are sistas, we stand together ♥
Turksa, JAPP, Burnis

Ulmate Love: Ropin Huud ♥
Viestit: 3474
Liittynyt: 21.8.2009 19:05

Re: Hei, me liitetään! (Ctrl + V)

Viesti Kirjoittaja Turska »

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

We are sistas, we stand together ♥
Turksa, JAPP, Burnis

Ulmate Love: Ropin Huud ♥
Vastaa Viestiin